Strengthening Democracy through Open Government

13 Apr 2023, 5:30pm–6:30pm NZST

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Join us online to hear from expert panellists as we consider the future of open government in New Zealand.

  • Sanjay Pradhan, CEO, Open Government Partnership
  • Rt Hon Helen Clark, Ambassador, Open Government Partnership
  • Helmut Modlik, CEO, Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira
  • Andrew Ecclestone, Deputy Chair, NZ Council for Civil Liberties
  • Suzanne Snively, Member, NZ Open Government Partnership Expert Advisory Panel

Our moderator, Dr Barbara Allen, will lead our panel in an exploration of the following questions. There will also be opportunities for questions from the floor.

  • What does ‘open government’ mean?
  • What does it mean in the context of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and tino rangatiratanga?
  • What lessons can we learn from democratic backsliding in other countries?
  • How can we make progress on public participation beyond voting in elections?
  • And what new opportunities and challenges await us on the horizon?

The event has been organised by the VUW School of Government, Trust Democracy, the NZ Council for Civil Liberties, Transparency International NZ, and the Open Government Partnership.

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